Thursday, September 3, 2009

Violations of human rights in displacement of Rajivnagar Amroli slum by SMC ,surat


all concern citizens,NGO, organisations and government officials

Subject- Violations of human rights in displacement of Rajivnagar Amroli (Pala) embankment displacement, slums By Surat Municipal Corporation and Surat Irrigation department.

Respected sirs,

Please register our complains under suo-motto legal actions against concern officials of surat municipal corporation,surat irrigation departmental office and associated police officers, for different provisions of human right violations and different laws related to evictions, displacement and related acts, policies, local, national & internationals law. Please help poor victims by correcting complain in required format and by adding necessary charges against opponents. Please also consider this request to rehabilitate them with specific livelihood rights and proper compensations at the earliest. All concerned are request to come forward to help these victims and save human values. All actions must be done legally, democratic and as per UN Displacement policy under supervision of local NGO and their representatives.

Surat municipal corporations and irrigation department of Surat undertaken tapti river embankment pala yojana scheme under World Bank, Jnnurm and other assistance and started displacement.

It is a case for just claims violations under process as example of displacement of slums of Rajivnagar, Amroli, Surat, Gujarat, India.They are using different types of tactics as mentioned below for their displacement to settle as minimum slums to rehabilitation and minimum to pay for their rights and compensations.

1. Inhuman eviction without any prior public notice and without getting their opinion and against their will.

2. Forced eviction with tactics to get newly built flat in Jnnurm scheme with margin money and installments, but no payments considered as compensated in as routine displacement. Poor slum dwellers cant affords displacement on the sake of their running income or small business they do at their slums.

3. No livelihood compensations considered.

4. Draw system to allot Jnnurm scheme EWS residence, its gimmick to cheat the slum dwellers. It’s an insult of humanity. It is first ever eviction made in the history. First of all ready position with infrastructure and titles alternative dwelling units must be given but here draw system is funny solutions which is done after illegal demolition of slum and emotional and strategically pressure created to consider options given must be accepted.

5. First demolished then asking for where are your proof even though surat Municipal Corporation have made biometric survey and having different types of proofs of their resident more then 25 years.

6. As it was government land said but no such record avails and one sided police force used to evict the approximate 1700 slums. Till today from any government department, no notice is issued on the name of ownership.

7. Not disclosing biometric survey report which was considered for ownership record of slum dwellers and not issuing smart cards.

8. Not issuing forms for getting EWS economical weaker sectional quarters built under Jnnurm scheme at kosad and other.

9. They have dismantled their slums prior any notice, notifications public consultations, jansunvai, even not tried to minimize displacement considering nearest scope of rehabilitations. As all must be intimated prior 90 days.

10. displacement work done during religious festivals ,night time in few case,

11. all slums dwellers are labor of different textile,dying,diamond where no identity proofs even issued.labour ministry also know the situation of identity less labor and no government mechanism has worked for their rights. all are migrants from different states of India like orissa,u.p,bihar,andhrapradesh,rajastahan,maharastra,madhyapradesh and Karnataka ,tamilnadu,west Bengal etc. no union ,no NGO, no political parties has helped these all slum dwellers and labors.

12. Embankment scheme was approved since 30 to 45 years but no notice to displacement issued under land acquiring acts.

13. Old aged persons, disabled, women handicapped, patients and children also to be rehabilitated with specific extra package of compensations.

14. proofs of ownership can be had from different departments like

· Flood reliefs and compensations made in all floods of Surat from 1998 to till.

· Voter cards issued

· Crime reports of said area since 25 years or more time span

· Old photographs of different events, ceremonies

· Police photo records in different crimes and their actions

· Previous health records, birth records, death records different camp, relief’s, schemes of Gujarat government.

· Different database of research, surveys and analysis conducted by different individuals, organizations, students, corporate, universities, and government central or state.

· Shop and establishment license issued in area

· Tapti flood inquiry commission reports and records, survey etc

Hopes to serve humanity by all means we can do for them.

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