Saturday, June 21, 2008

new way to fight corruption,experiment it

Gujarat vichar manch is stepping toward fighting corruption with different action plan.
ay lagerahonatubhai a name given to activist Natvar Patel on having symbolic fast at collector office for more then 365 days for their problems created due to corruption and injustice in Tulsiwadi trust related matter in surat.during symbolic fast Natubhai Patel was constantly making awareness program for how to fight corruption.
Lagerahonatubhai had hanged box outside collector office Surat stating "bhrastachar and bhrastachari sodh lokmat peti" means box to get opinions of public about corruption and corrupted officers. every month this box was opened and chit collected in box are listed and in presence of mass and media vote lokmat counted and added on board every month who gets maximum vote lokmat for being most corrupted. List of monthly top 10 most corrupted person list printed in handbill distributed among the people and offices.
Finally top 100 most corrupted officer of Surat listed out.
Lagerahonatubhai have find out new way to fight with corruption. Citizen never comes to expose name of corrupted officer with their identity. As they all are not interested to give bribes for any type of work but system and office make them pressurized and critic to propose bribe and give bribe. people fears for discloser of their name, so without mentioning name of opinion giver, voter or chit writer they prefer to disclose name of officer who have taken bribes for their different work.
through this type of exercise lagerahonatubhai finds who are most corrupted, which departments are most corrupted, for which types of works maximum corruption happen etc...then analysis and probe in to the matters carried out and list of property,assets,bank balance, investments of listed corrupted officer searched by getting help of people.
After concluding that these officers are corrupted and then social boycott system developed.shoe garland to present to corrupted officer in presence of mass, media etc.painting board outside their resident and society that most corrupted person of surat is staying here,beware.then coordinated action like boycotting them in every club,association,social function, ceremonies ,meeting etc with slogan protest that make boycott these corrupted person from your organization.
further communicating with their family members to cut relation with corrupted officer, even sister reject to bind raked on rakhsabandhan,brothers stay away and cut relations, father not giving part from their property, son and daughter start living alone living them, wife get divorced etc action plan of social boycotting.
And get result of even announcement that listed corrupted officer will get such treatment from citizen of Surat corruption rate decreased.
This was the experiment and now Gujarat vichar manch formed to fight corruption and lagerahonatubhai joined with them and running movement to fight corruption.
In some cases legal, court and police matters, public interest litigation also carried out.
In this situation of increasing of corruption new ways find out.
Hope any way corruption must be stopped.
If any one personally or organizational way wants to fight such fight Gujarat vichar manch will help.lagerahonatubhai will help how to fight specific result oriented.
Jay hind
write or call me
on 09228484459

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In Gujarat no safe security and no proper justice system prevail,


TO- Chief Minister, Gandhinagar. Gujarat,

Copies sent to-

1. president of India, new Delhi,

2. chief justice of supreme court, new Delhi

3. chief justice Gujarat high court, Ahmedabad

4. prime minister of India,

5. national human right commission, new Delhi

6. national women commission, new Delhi,

7. home minister, India

8. home minister ,Gujarat

9. kashiram Rana MP,surat

10. central vigilance commission, India

11. Gujarat state vigilance commission,

12. DIG police, Gandhinagar

13. collector surat

14. police commissioner surat

15. central investigation beauro, India

16. all media ,TV news channels


Attempt to kill tenant and firing attempt their women made by criminal Balramdas guru girivardas and others, at Tulsiwadi trust, tinpate ka vad temple, ashwanikumar under police protection of varachha and Surat police. Corrupted Police and delayed justice system making Gujarat no-1 in crime. Many FIRS registered but no arrest made.


1. FIR no-I/230/08,dt-23/5/08,varachha police station, varachha road, surat, Gujarat IPC 143,147,149,307,436,452,323

2. FIR no- I/190/08,dt-22/4/08,varachha police station, varachha road, surat, Gujarat IPC 143,147,149,342,452,427

3. FIR no-I/139/08,Dt-14/3/08, varachha road police station, surat, Gujarat IPC-143,147,148,149,323,504,403

4. many previous criminal record can be found from surat ( more then 50 FIR which not include RAPE FIR before 40 years )and Bihar police

Respected all,

In Gujarat no safe security and no proper justice system prevail, It can be proved by case as mentioned under.

when crimes of one criminals of Bihar comes in Gujarat be a sadhu dressed to hide himself then becomes trustee of surat Tulsiwadi trust Tulsiwadi trust registered by A/437.ashwanikumar, surat-395008, on land of R.S. no 12, T.P.scheme no-15,, f.p. no-8, 2443 sqmt land .and story of criminal Balramdas origins of Bihar (laluprasad' village Mir ganj, fulwariya-bhavanichhapra, gopalganj, Bihar). Crime rate increased automatically when corrupted police and improper justice system helping such persons in the fear of religious umbrella and local government.

Previous crime record proofs, itself that negligence of police and natural justice system results in crimes of violation of human rights and in crimes of women related offence


Is any license of killing given by Surat police to such criminals openly with support even in police protection provided to tenant RAMBANSH RAMOMKAR TIWARI and his family residing at Tulsiwadi?

Immediate legal action must be taken and arrestment made to prevent further violence of criminal team lead by Balramdas and subhash babulal chaudhary (Bihar), pujari Ravindra Singh, ranjit chaudhry, sajanlal and son and relatives of Balramdas.

Provide immediate SRP protection till all criminals arrested to tenants of Tulsiwadi trust Surat as local police protection failed.

All police record, criminal records, court matters are just a paper stake, no proper inquiry made till date. Police connection with these criminals is well known. One more proof of corruption highlighted in said case with corrupted joint charity commissioner Amrish upadhay and K.C. chaudhary not taken possession by appointing RECEIVER even though order of jt. charity commissioner ANTANI ended in suomotto scheme and appointed Balramdas and their family permanent trustee.

If such criminal will get such support then no democratic value will prevail.

Hope immediate action in the matters.

Thanking you

Gujarat vichar manch, secretary, Surat


Friday, April 11, 2008

lagerahonatubhai starts fight against corruption,help me

Dear Sir,
Corruption and mismanagement of our public money, land, property and systems, services is common problem faced by every Indian. We all are trying to establish effective transparent system. We all are wishing for ultimate universal balance growth.
It is possible, we all positive intellectuals join with common mission of restructuring our public administrative system and fight corruption.
We Indian, at Surat,Gujarat formed Gujarat vichar manch, we train citizens, we help them to utilize RTI, we help to make PIL, and we are fighting for every individual's problem sincerely.
Gujarat vichar manch is a unique platform to meet, think and act intellectually. For common mission of ultimate universal balanced growth. Email us to Register complain of every Gujarat and central government, cooperative society, trusts,boards and any corruption and corrupted officer and public servant
Write article to us-
On how to fight corruption
Suggest us –
Restructuring of effective system
Donate us –
To grow and help us to fight corruption without corruption
Spare and invest your time-
To serve nation as volunteers in your area
Regular Meeting of Gujarat vichar manch held every Sunday at 4 pm at- goverdhan wadi, opp pratik arcade, bhagatalav, nanavat. Surat, Gujarat, India.395008.
President-,Shri pradip bhai deputy,M-9327002514.
Vice president-,Shri vithalbhai Patel,M-09825378177
For getting RTI-help & to disclose corruption cases
inform us on09228484459.Lagerhonatubhai, And Bhupendra shah09427473908

personal fight against corruption-
it is not a success story,
it is a new beganining to fight corruption
espected sir,i am on fast against the collector office at,bahumali building,nanpura,surat since 30 october 2006.if no written joint assurance made by joint charity,surat police commissioner,surat municipal commissioner and surat collector to take concrete action towards concern involver with tulsiwadi trust related order cancellation or revision.within month of symbolic fast ,I will start fast untodeath after completion of month.what corrupted officers can do is just checked in my a state of gujarat,state of bhartiya janata party basically supported by hinduism.this is story of hindu historical temple where cremation of karna done by lord krishna,refered in "tapi puran "at surat on the bank of tapti river tin patte ka vad is most religious place in surat and comes under tulsiwadi trust registered by A/437.ashwanikumar,surat-395008,on land of R.S. no 12,T.P.scheme no-15,,f.p. no-8,2443 sqmt land .andstory of criminal balaramdas origins of bihar (laluprasad'village -bhavanichhapra,gopalganj,bihar ).and his illegal acts,try to sell temple and crime registered on his name in varachha road police station surat are the highest.and story of corrupted officers involved to help balramdas are past joint charity commissioner Amrish upadhyay,present charity commissioner K.R.Chaudhary.and other staff member of commission appointed according to past joint charity Antani saheb's order .story of local surat police commissioner and varachha police station who support by not taking legal action of PASA even though list of registered crime given .story of surat municipal commissioner and varachha zone staff.who are involved in assessment scandals and knowingly not dismentaling illegal constructions made by balramdas and theft of more than 3 lakh taxes by making records of open plot of constructed property used commercially.story of surat court many cases are registered in one name since long and dayby new cases concrete judgemnet made just time passing,dates,,dates,.... crime under report-suomoto scheme made to remove past trustee and make new trustees,but was the show of dirty game of what the corrupted officers can do to use court case,appel formality just to give 10 to 15 year extention by game of law.present charity commissioner K.R.Chaudhary made an order balramdas and his jamais (relatives)without any presentation or without any chance to oppose.past joint charity ordered to appoint receiver in tulsiwadi trust and take possession of trust and property by government.joint charity commission involved to misguide,hide the reality and make late.till today no receiver appointment related actions special audit related suomotto done by joint charity 40 years of mismanagement of trust income balaramdas has created list of property,bank accounts given but no action taken in this matter.present charity commissioner K.R.Chaudhary is ordered by charity commissioner ahmedabad to make hearing and action in the matter of contempt of court made in commission report.but nothing done in this legal action taken to involved person builder kanti zalawadi,advocate mukesh megani.surat municiple viligence,assement,townplanning varachha zone not taken legal action against theft of taxes and involver or not dismentalled ilegal construction.surat police commissioner and varachha police station not taking legal action of PASA even though list of registered crime given I have all proofs related above and can prove written above.can produce to any officer on demand.please keep in mind this is issue of public property wasting to criminals.and if no concrete action in such matter trust of hindu religious person will be corrupted in all involved adminstrtions,court,municiple,police etc.thanking younatvar m patelmobile no- 9228484459 surat my past correspondence in this matter made are as under-i will suicide on 14/03/2006,holi,between 12 noon to 3 pm at demolished ramjanki complex site at ashvanikumar,tulsiwadi trust,tin patteka vad,surat 395008.which comes under juridiction of corrupted varachha road police station.your government can not maintain law and order.if you want to save my life possession of trust land with legal action with balramdas trustee of tulsiwadi trust who have demolished my construction more than 20 lakh cost built in 1990 even though joint charity commissioner order dated 24/12/2004 in matter of 36/63/2001.natvarbhai manorbhai patel from-natvarbhai manorbhai patel201,vaidraj complex,ashwanikumar surat 395008gujarat,indiamobile-9228484459respected siri hereby apply for getting permission to suicide.i have lost confidence in legal system and have no hope to get justicesopermit me to suicide.short story of my cause me to asked for getting suicide permission asunder"i have constructed ramjanki complex property costing more than 20lakhs 9present value 50 lakhs 0wide development agreement for shri tulsiwadi trust,ta-choryasi,di-surat,gujarat,india registration no a/437,tinpattavad ,ashwanikumar,surat-395008,on land of R.S. no 12,T.P.scheme no-15,,f.p. no-8,2443 sqmt land in year 1990,to get income forthetrust. Due to illegle act of Balramdas (one of the trustee) projectnotcompleted and balramdas have manipulated documents to get it to saletoother wide case no-36/63/2001 of joint charity commissioner in thismatterjudgement received on dt 27/12/2004.(in this matter i was suposed togetjustice) and commission appointed has to start judiciary actionagainst>trustee balramdas and ordered to get possession by government byappointingreceiver but failed to do so it in timelimit so trustee balaramdas has demolished construction in last week of january 2006, to delete proof against judiciary inquiry ordered by joint charity commissioner dated 27/12/2004 in case 36/63/2001 matter and i have tried to policecomplain atvarachha police station on dated 8/2/2006 but i felt few officer also associated with balramdas and no F.I.R. noted.i also met jointcharitycommissioner for fast legal action against balramdas to savetrust,trustproperty and my right belong to investment made but no proper help found.since 1990 i am striving to get back of my investment,this makemeinsolvent,mentally disturbed,socially damaged and no hope left to get justice in time so want to suicide"if you can help me heartily help me or permit me to suicide with sorryican not help you.thanking younatvarbhai manorbhai patel dear sir ,thanks for asking my full detaili am civil engineer and was working in gujarat maritime board ,i have left job for to keep my self away from corruption and non productive system.and started own civil engineering consultancy after few years of job in private consulting firm.i have gained such trust and confidence to handle individual civil construction related project development workand was able to arrange resources to get finance,materials and other needed help.and i have formed new era movement project consultant pvt trustee balramdas guru girivardas approached me in year 1990 to develop hindu historical place which has no income,and not significant identity only because of slums (tenants of trust since long back )at that time this land was not in townplanning road as well not developed territory of surat.development agreement was signed by the said trustee.and i have started work as development contract.within six month 80 %land area of site i have cleaned from slums mutually without any legal formalityand land price increased.during this period i have invested more than 20 lakhs of rupees collected from market on my personal credits,loan from friends,material on credit and minor amount from booking of space from future tenents of trust as agreed in development on behalf of trust.character and past of trustee balramdas was not known by me ,he was only a pujari but become one trustee after manipulation and removed other trustee and not added new trustee even charity commissioner have asked for.he has created private huge money from trust income without mentioning in any audit report and want to get more black money from trust land so tried to sell land even after development agreement with me. so started to interfear me to stop my construction work.due to balramdas my money ,credit blocked with this land invested for development and for 2001 balramdas has sold the said land to other local builder and issued power of attorney and corruptive action started to advertise in newspaper to show legality.i was helpless to stop this action in highcourt ,i become insolvant and informed joint charity commissioner whole story and displayed proof and after four year of process i have get an order form joint charity commissioner to start legal action with balramdas to dismiss him as trusee and to appoint receiver of trust in 2004.corrupted government officers never tried to benefit trust or justice to me.local police and other builder met with this trustee to cash land of rupees 4 crores and demolition of constructed ramjanki complex done.i have tried to register F.I.R.,complained with joint charity commissioner but i have lost my hope of justice,only because of corruption,deviation of laws,no speedy actions, now i have no confidence in this indian legal system and no money to expense to civil suit.i am insolvent and have no other way without permitted suicide.i have worked for hindu religious piligrim,i have tried to save public charited land of trust to sellout for private benefit of trustee,i have disclosed scandal of tender,and other private property generated by balramdas and criminal side of balramdas highlighted.i have tried to develop said property with public participation type of development which makes trust to own property with steady income from said developed property without selling any part of the trust god witness my efforts and my trust to get justice in this matter is now only depend on honest,intellectual leaders,authority,officer of india and other goodwill.documentary proof will be produced on demand.thanksnatvarbhai manorbhai patel

dearsirNatubhai patel experienced corrupted officer of surat of different organisation like-municipal corporation,police,court,charity organisation and badly effected in Tulsiwadi trust case.injustice motivated by corruption felt and thought if i will not start fight with corruption no will do.i have lost because of corrupted decisions,no future citizen of India will suffer by corrupted system.i will work to fight corruption my ownway and startedLAGE RAHO NATUBHAI- mission to fight corruptionmy first step to Aware the people what are the effect of corruption in your daily life.then highlight the way to findout corrupted personanalysis locally which departmnet,which officer,are more corrupted,why ?system transperancvy can minimise corruption if citizens surat i have started to findWHO ARE THE MOST CORRUPTED PERSON OF SURAT 2006by open opinionpoll at this no person has to disclose name.result will be displayed by mediatopten corrupted officer will be honoured by shoegarland.just started cooperate me if succeeded will be benefit of INDIA,if failed nothing to loss.why not u want to help me.u can email me on- SMS me on 09228484459or present your vote at balletbox opp.collector office surat without mentioning your namelets fight corruption befoe it corrupt INDIA.thanksjayhind natubhai patel